Cum mi-am vopsit peretele cu munți

Visul din copilarie al fiecaruia dintre noi (al meu, cu siguranta) – sa iti vopsesti peretii camerei, exact asa cum vrei tu. Ideile mele de atunci nu erau, dupa spusele mamei, „indeajuns de clasice” pentru a nu ma plictisi de ele mult prea rapid – ceea ce este, pe alocuri, adevarat (eu imaginandu-mi probabil cine stie ce personaje fictive multicolore). Ei bine, clasic sau nu, sunt foarte incantata de noul meu perete cu munti din dormitor, si sunt sigura ca nu o sa ma plictisesc de el prea curand.


EN: Everyone’s childhood dream (mine, for sure) – to paint the walls by yourself, exactly how you wish. My childhood ideas weren’t, as my mom used to say, „classical enough” for me not to get bored too soon – which is somehow true (I was probably visualizing some multicolored fictional characters). Oh well, classical or not, I’m super excited of how my mountains wall turned out, and I’m sure I won’t get bored of it any time soon.



De ce am facut-o? Pentru ca dormitorul arata cam asa:


EN: Why did I do it? Because my bedroom used to look like this:



Nu foarte rau, ati putea zice. Dar, cu siguranta, nici ceva foarte deosebit. Cand ne-am mutat, am ales mobilier dragut, din lemn, un covor din iuta si cateva obiecte decorative, dar stiam ca va fi ceva temporar. Lipsea ceva.

Am gasit ceea ce lipsea cand conduceam prin Grecia, in august. Mergeam spre mare, cra cald si frumos, soarele stralucea pe cer, leandrii si maslinii ne inconjurau, totul asistat de prezenta calma a unor dealuri si munti minunati care priveau din departare. Am contemplat peisajul vreo jumatate de ora, dupa care am trecut la ceva practic (nu puteam sa ma uit incontinuu pe geam, fara niciun rezultat, fara nicio finalitate). Mi-am amintit de peretele meu gol, mi-am amintit si ca mai vazusem poze cu peisaje pictate pe pereti, dar nu cu munti. M-am gandit rapid cum as putea face asta, i-am zis si copilotului caruia i-a suras ideea, si gata: aveam o idee pentru cand ne intorceam din concediu!


EN: Not very bad, you’d say. But definitely not something remarkable, either. When we moved in we chose some simple and pretty wooden furniture, a jute carpet and some decorative objects, but we knew it was going to be temporary. Something was missing.

We found what was missing while driving around Greece, last August. We were heading to the seaside, the weather was nice and sunny, the sun was shining, we were surrounded by oleander plants and olive trees, everything governed by some wonderful hills and mountains who were watching from afar. I gazed at the landscape for about half an hour, but then I switched to something more practical (I couldn’t stare out the window without any result forever). My empty wall came to my mind and I also remembered seeing pictures with landscapes painted on walls, but not with mountains. I quickly figured out how I could do it, I let my co-pilot know about it, he liked the idea, and yaay: we knew what to do when we were coming back from holiday!



Pe scurt, am mers la Hornbach (un fel de mall pentru mine), si am cumparat ceea ce se numeste „Meister Polar-Weiss”, in doua nuante. Una alba si una avand codul 30.13.06, pe care un om simpatic de la raionul de vopsele mi-a preparat-o pe loc, ambele de cate un litru.


EN: In brief, I went to Hornbach (something like the Shopping Mall to me), and I bought something called „Meister Polar-Weiss”, in two colors. A white one and one having the code 30.13.06, which a nice guy from the paint section prepared right away, each of them having 1 liter.



Apoi, am inceput sa desenez cu creionul:


EN: Then I started drawing:



Si apoi a inceput totul!


EN: And the it all started!



Practic, am inceput de jos cu culoarea cea inchisa, dupa care am tot adaugat alb pentru fiecare strat.


EN: Basically, I started from the bottom with the dark color, and then I kept adding white for each layer.



Si iata!


EN: And voilà!


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